Arizona nonprofit bylaws list out how your nonprofit will be governed. Bylaws are legally required by the State of Arizona and makes the organizational processes smoother and more easily managed. Your HOA bylaws list everything from how to keep records to how new directors should be hired.
Community Resource Advocates is a consulting team to help assist community members in creating their own set of bylaws with the assistance of the communities retained law firm and community management team. Following what is known as ‘best known practices’ and offering solutions for sustainable guidelines will help each shareholder to understand their assets are being cared for as approved by majority rule.

‘Sustainability’ would be defined as preserving, conserving, and updating the bylaws with the ‘community needs and preferences’ in mind. CRA can help create an effective set of guidelines for the board members to follow complying with the States requirements without the need to trust your management team to make the right decisions for you.
CRA (Community Resource Advocates) is not recommending, suggesting, or promoting any specific set of rules. CRA only shares professional advice that is promoted as ‘sustainable’.
Can nonprofit bylaws be changed?
Absolutely—and your bylaws should change! Your nonprofit’s needs will adjust as you grow and age. Adjusting your bylaws helps keep your practices and protections up to date. And since there is no legal requirement to file your bylaws with Arizona state, the process for updating your bylaws is entirely internal. Plus, as a handy bonus, the document itself includes the process for changing bylaws.
Nonprofit bylaws allow you more control over your nonprofit.
Without nonprofit bylaws, your corporation is open to disputes that might result in state involvement. The bylaws are a clear and legally binding set of rules and regulations for how disputes should be handled. When a company forgoes bylaws—or creates incomplete bylaws—the nonprofit is open to disputes over things such as voting, amendments, and quorum settling. The state can then get involved in deciding the legal course of action, reducing your control over the nonprofit’s internal processes.
“The Arizona Revised Statutes have been updated to include the revised sections from the 55th Legislature, 1st Regular Session. Please note that the next update of this compilation will not take place until after the conclusion of the 55th Legislature, 2nd Regular Session, which convenes in January 2022.”
This online version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is primarily maintained for legislative drafting purposes and reflects the version of law that is effective on January 1st of the year following the most recent legislative session. The official version of the Arizona Revised Statutes is published by Thomson Reuters.
Knowing and understanding why Arizona legislators are voting on rules is a key point in updating your community’s needs.
Sustainable practices will consist of ‘preventable policies.’ Community Resource Advocates educate on preventable actions to Arizona State requirements as well as assisting in creating a sustainable program for your community’s state required bylaws that protect all members in your community.