Street Maintenance
Community Resource Advocates is designed to assist board members to research “best known practices”, and to offer solutions for sustainable options in your community for private streets and sidewalks. CRA (Community Resource Advocates) is not recommending, suggesting or promoting any specific contractor, only the research, so board members can understand what works and what doesn’t. CRA only shares professional advice that is promoted as ‘sustainable’ and would use this information to create sustainable practices for your sidewalk and private street needs in your community.
The effect of preservation maintenance activities in asphalt concrete pavement sustainability. Pavement infrastructure is crucial to quality lifestyle and affluence of any community.

Preservation Treatment
“Pavement preservation treatments are applied to streets to replenish lighter oils and rejuvenate the roadway to prolong its service life as the cost of applying preservation treatments is minimal compared to resurfacing the roadway. The need for pavement preservation extends pavement life, delays the need for costly rehabilitation or reconstruction, improves the overall network condition by keeping good roads good, improves pavement condition and helps maintain safe road conditions for users.”

“Sidewalks are likely to be a greater issue for condominium and townhome communities, particularly with private streets and parking lots. However, even in single-family communities, sidewalks to pools, clubhouses, tennis courts, etc., and other common areas will likely be the responsibility of the association. The board should refer to the plat or the officially recorded map to determine if the sidewalks are considered a common area.”
- A regular inspection and maintenance schedule.
- A landscape plan that prevents damage from tree roots.
- A review of liability insurance coverage. Associations have been sued for failure to maintain sidewalks in common areas.
- Access features, including curb cuts and ramps, that conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
- An operating budget and reserve fund for maintenance and future improvements.
- A way of communicating any board actions, policies or plans to homeowners.

Sustainable practices will consist of ‘preventable policies.’ Community Resource Advocates will educate on preventable actions as well as assisting in creating a sustainable program for your sidewalks and private streets in your community.